Our address - Lissett Homes, Pocklington Industrial Estate, Pocklington, York, YO42 1NR
Phone - 01759 302801
At any given time we have four homes under construction so you are able to see how we produce homes to suit the needs of our customers. Homes are often customised both internally and externally so that all our homes are virtually unique to you, our customer.
It is our company policy to allow visitors to see everything to do with the construction of the homes instead of having just a showhome display - nothing is hidden from you. Apart from just seeing the production line the other areas you can see are:
Window Shop - We produce all our own external windows, doors and conservatories
Router Shop - We produce all our own fitted furniture for kitchens/bedrooms and studies Spray Shop - This is on view when not in use
Drawing Office - You are able to see first hand homes being designed and drawn.
An appointment to view the factory is preferred so that we are able to plan our time with you